Edoovillage #999 - Cameroon, Mankon, Bamenda: UYO United Youths Organisation
6.1 Full Name(*):Melvin SONGWE SHUYE
6.2 Phone(*):+237 679684520
6.3 Email(*):songwemel@uyoforafrica.org
- Addressing Wimbum Native Language Literacy among Hearing and Speech Impaired persons in Ndu Council of Cameroon: A sustainable Inclusive Pilot Strategy for Persons with Disability
- Techsmart IDP Kid: An inclusive pilot project bringing basic ICT know-how to Internally displaced children in Bamenda I Council as a remedial education tool amidst crises
2. Project Description - Please explain about your project and how you will use the laptops (*):
With the first project,
UYO is running a project on the theme: "Addressing Wimbum Native Language Literacy among Hearing and Speech Impaired persons in Ndu Council of Cameroon:
A sustainable inclusive pilot strategy for Disable persons", sponsored by Keepers of the Earth Foundation (KOEF). As continuity and sustainability of the project,
UYO intends to expand its literacy training by developing the capacities of children in basic computer skills (secretariat services) annually
through which they can gain knowladge especially at the time when schools are short down in English speaking cameroon duw to the devastating crsis.
With most of the materials already secured and the project ongoing. The beneficiaries are young boys and girls, including children with and without disabilities.
Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) have consistently faced discrimination and disadvantage, which explains why 82% of disabled people live below the poverty line
and comprise one of the largest single groups of excluded and chronically poor people in the world. The current approach towards PWDs by Government in Cameroon reflects
medicalised, welfare and charitable approaches, rather than the recognition and protection of their rights.
More specifically, PWDs face numerous challenges in enjoying full participation in all aspects of society.
Using WHO/ILO/UNESCO Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) guidelines, PWDs lack access to mainstream economic, financial, and legal services (livelihood),
equal participation in community life (Empowerment), social services like education and health services which are generally inadequate for the general population, thus even more inaccessible for PWDs.
The direct beneficiaries of this project are children, women and men with hearing and speech impairment carefully selected from the seventeen(17) villages in the Ndu municipality.
Focus will also be on sign language teachers who will take center stage in the development of new community-oriented curricula including proverbs, folktales
and other frequently used Limbum grammar that can serve the hearing and speech impaired, their families and caregivers.
This encourages solidarity and making the local community fully inclusive. Limbum literacy teachers as well as every Limbum speakers globally will also benefit from the inclusion materials which could be used by everyone.
With the second project, it is talking more on the effects of the anglophone crisis in cameroon leaving many children out of school.
This has very devastating effects as it hinders many children from benefiting in their rights to education and other facilities.
UYO then decided since 2017 to involve these young girls, children both with and without disabilities into diversify activities; the Techsmart Kit program geared towards
Giving the children the opportunity to have full capacity in computer and other ICT tools so as to access education through the internet.
- To provide displaced, vulnerable and marginalized children with a remedial training on ICT
- To promote child education rights by providing safe spaces for skills development through ICT
Forty (40) Internally Displaced Children have been carefully selected among IDPs and their carers in the afore mentioned municipality.
At the recruitment level, special attention is given to Orphans and Vulnerable Children(OVCs), as well as Children who are persons with Disabilities
A rigorous two weeks training will be given to the participants. During the session, A
Our main challenge at the moment is acquiring laptops/ tablets that will be able to simultaneously train beneficiaries and help them achieve their goals.
Date it was last updated: 21/04/19