Labdoo City Hub Tortosa - Biblioteca Marcel·lí Domingo


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Labdoo City Hub Tortosa - Biblioteca Marcel·lí Domingo



Biblioteca Marcel·lí Domingo
Carrer de la Mercè, 6
43500 Tortosa , TA
40° 48' 49.284" N, 0° 31' 23.988" E
Tarragona ES
Tipus de hub: 
Punt d'entrega
Hub branches: 
Date it was created: 01/05/22/
Date it was last updated: 01/05/22


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Dootronic ID País Estat Model Serial number Weight
000039824 Spain [S1] Donated, waiting to pass quality assurance A1707 EMC 3162 CO2WK2CZHTD5
000048719 Spain [S1] Donated, waiting to pass quality assurance HP Mini 210-1010ss CNF9511GS2
000055015 Spain [S1] Donated, waiting to pass quality assurance Apple - Ipad Air - Model A1475 DMPPR044F4YD


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