Mexico, Malinalco: Imaginalco is a program for young people from Malinalco with few opportunities for education
The overall objective is to catalyze Imaginalco self-management processes in which children and young people of the district of San Martin in Malinalco, build social alternatives that generate personal and community development, leveraging strengths that encourage interaction with other sectors of the population.
The laptops will serve four basic purposes. 1) Provide access to computers to low-income populations with little access to this technology. 2) Give computer courses for different people in the community that can learn how to use them. 3) Be a tool for community development projects by at least two groups of young people. 4) Offer a free software approach for members and project participants are not familiar with these tools. Marcela Orraca 0445516332979
Date it was last updated: 31/05/15