Tanzania, Moshi: Computer Training Centre MIT TAREO (World Unite)
On behalf of Moshi Institute of Technology- and Tanzania Rural empowerment organization. Our proposed project engages in computer trainings for kids, youths and community for the aim of creating self employment. As youths found difficult to reach these few established training infrastructures due to incapability to pay for studies due to poverty. Hence the proposed projects will save the youths and community developing ICT skills and programming knowledge without paying the fees but only some affordable contribution to sustain the project (visits our site www.mitcomputing.netne.net)
MOSHI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (MIT) IN COLLABORATION WITH TANZANIA RURAL EMPOWERMENT ORGANIZATION (TAREO an NGO) are the institutions dealing with empowering youth and community in computer technology, training and supporting in entrepreneurship skills and initiate the project of “ICT for self employment”
We have been providing ICT education and other training for youth and community for over 10 years now in Moshi town (Moshi Institute of technology) and Himo centre (Tanzania Rural empowerment organization).
Our goal is to empower kids, youths and community with ICT skills and use it for accessing information, for education and creating employment.
Among of the major objective of these organizations is to tackle challenges on crosscutting issues of providing quality and free computers technology for rural kids and youths include business. As part of education and developing youth skills in computer application,computer as working tools, programming and software development for creating employement, we have established simple ICT Incubator for training and developing youths in ICT skills and current demand is computers(at least 20-60 laptops required due to grow of need ) and software.
With this prepossessed project we also in need of Professional or volunteers who specialized in software and programming to lead our team and be part of our software developer and innovation.
Date it was last updated: 16/02/21