Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last message on: Tue, 01/19/2021 - 16:51 | 0 comment(s)
Jitsi Icon Due to home schooling during Corona, schools and pupils are asking more frequently for support, how to install the video conferencing tool Jitsi an Labdoo computer. You can find the prepared how-to-install for Jitsi here: English: ...
Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last message on: Wed, 12/16/2020 - 14:06 | 0 comment(s)
In Video-Tutorials erhaltet ihr als SchülerIn, Anwender, Projektpartner, Schule oder Labdoo-Helfer Informationen und Hilfestellungen. Lernt mehr über das, was in Labdoo-Rechnern steckt. Diese Video-Sprechstunden finden auf Deutsch statt und werden von ehrenamtlichen HelferInnen von Labdoo (Deutschland) durchgeführt. Die Sitzungen werden aus datenschutzrechtlichen Gründen nicht...
MichaelKnight's picture
Submitted by MichaelKnight | Last message on: Wed, 11/11/2020 - 14:57 | 3 comment(s)
Hi guys, a friend if mine and myself were building a small home server for the last months. Said friend also wrote a python script to automatically download the install disc images from the FTP once a night. This way, I have the actual versions at hand all the time and do not need to wait for a hour (or day-) long download when I find out I need a new image. So I asked the dev of the...
Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last message on: Sun, 11/08/2020 - 13:13 | 0 comment(s)
As requested by several Labdoo helpers and hubs, the updated Labdoo images are coming from now on with the new Offline Wiki Reader tools Kiwix and Kolibri. Both programs are offline readers, for details refer to the links later in this post. The former tool Xowa wiki tool will be removed from all images and FTP-server soon. Until November 15th, 2020 you will find both images on our FTP-server,...
jordi's picture
Submitted by jordi | Last message on: Mon, 10/19/2020 - 01:18 | 0 comment(s)
This is a friendly reminder that Javier will be hosting a Labdoo training workshop tomorrow Monday November 19th at 20:00 CEST. More information here: https://www.labdoo.org/content/virtual-interactive-sanitizing-workshop-0-hero-monday-1910-2100-2100 Looking forward to seeing you all if you can make it!
jordi's picture
Submitted by jordi | Last message on: Sun, 10/18/2020 - 13:09 | 1 comment(s)
A note that tomorrow 12:00 (noon) CET the Labdoo server will be down for system upgrades. The system might be down for about 1 hour of time. Thank you for your understanding and for all the good work you do bringing laptops to needy schools.
jprisab's picture
Submitted by jprisab | Last message on: Thu, 10/08/2020 - 03:47 | 0 comment(s)
In 1 hour we will show you how to prepare:
  • Your own Labtix CD/USB for using the sanitation tools in the Laptops you will install in the future (bring either a CD or a USB, during the workshop both methods will be demonstrated)
  • Your own USB Hard drive in order to restore the Labdoo OS Hard drive.
  • During the Workshop we will...
    jprisab's picture
    Submitted by jprisab | Last message on: Thu, 10/08/2020 - 03:29 | 0 comment(s)
    En 1 hora mostraremos y tendras la oportunidad de preparar con nosotros:
  • Tu propio CD / USB de Labtix para poder utilizar las herramientas de sanitacion en los laptops que quieras preparar (Aunque en principio solo necestas un CD o un USB, durante el workshop mostraremos ambas posibilidades)
  • Tu propio Disco duro USB con las Imagenes a restaurar...
  • jordi's picture
    Submitted by jordi | Last message on: Thu, 09/24/2020 - 14:11 | 1 comment(s)
    A note that tonight the Labdoo server will be down for one round of upgrades. It is most likely that there will be a second round of updates in the next days too, which we will also announce via this team wall. Thank you.
    Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
    Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last message on: Tue, 09/15/2020 - 08:47 | 0 comment(s)
    Labdoo Germany ist für den Deutschen Engagementpreis 2020 nominiert. Bitte stimmt online für uns ab! https://www.deutscher-engagementpreis.de/wettbewerb/details/?tx_epawards_voting%5BawardWinner%5D=3363&tx_epawards_voting%5Baction%5D=show&tx_epawards_voting%5Bcontroller%5D=AwardWinner&cHash=b4e88699b6f5a633b118d59f3cc2499b (Alternativ https://www.deutscher-engagementpreis.de/...