Edoovillage #1168 - Mongolia, Tschoibalsan: Dornod Province Kherlen Soum Primary School 2
Local contact is Oyuntuya Bayanjargal: oyu9jargal@gmail.com
The school I graduated is located in the small town called Tumur zam(a train station ) and it is approximately 5 km from outer edge of Choibalsan near the province airport. The name of the school is dornod province Kherlen soum primary school #2, total students 322 and 18 teachers and 21 workers right now. The 70th annivarsary will be held on 12,13 Sep 2018 at the School number 2, Tumur zam Dornod province. If you could help, that will be amazing. If you need more information, I will be happy to provide and communicate between you and the school.
Dear Anita Fahrini-Minear, Thank you for your intellectual donation for our students, teachers and workers. We would like to express our happiness for your wonderful donation.
We are deeply grateful for you and your colleagues for the support of intellectual development for our students.
As well as thank you for Oyuntuya,B who had graduated in school year of 2002, for being a bridge between us to make it happen the donation of 120 books.
We appreciate your great donation,
We wish you happiness and success.
Date it was last updated: 29/12/20