Germany, Mülheim an der Ruhr: Welcome “Bros and Sis" (Afro Mülheimers eV)
4.1. Name:Justin Fonkeu
4.2. Phone:49( 0) 15211442020
Our project has as objective to welcome and introduce the newly immigrated asylum seekers and refugees families, especially those of african origin, in the city of Mülheim an der Ruhr. We intent to us the PC and laptops for teaching them the German, english and french languages. For the children young and old, we hope to introduce them to the use of computer and internet in their daily use. They will have the opportunity to do their homwork, We need laptops for the Coordinators who have to understand the contents of Labdoo programmes and some students who are mobile- their university is a good distance from their home and consequently will need to borrow a laptop from the Afro-mülheimers e.V. Computer-Pool.
Date it was last updated: 04/03/17