[video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4UAOvLoAbc]
[video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6zA9zCE32U]
Serving more than 2100 schools in 140 countries, enabling education to more than 650000 students around the world, while saving more than 500000 Kgms of CO2 emissions from Planet Earth.
On a joint journey that continues to excite and fascinate all of us for all the happy faces that...

To the whole Labdoo community, we wish you a happy and healthy New Year 2021.
This past 2020 has been a year with many common challenges for all humanity, but at the same time it has led to the acceleration of changes for which we've been working on for many years, including a much greater awareness and action to continue implementing the circular economy and enabling access to high-quality...

[video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkRd712NsjM]
Dear Labdoeers, dear everyone and dear Planet Earth: We can’t believe it’s been 10 years already. 10 years of an incredible journey together helping spread education around the world. Thanks to all of you, who are participating from your homes, your schools, your universities, your companies and...
Dear Labdoeers, dear everyone and dear Planet Earth: We can’t believe it’s been 10 years already. 10 years of an incredible journey together helping spread education around the world. Thanks to all of you, who are participating from your homes, your schools, your universities, your companies and...

Program: https://www.labdoo.org/content/labdoo-conference-2018-november-24th25th-duisburg-germany

Hello Labdoers,
Due to the new GDPR regulation which is taking effect in Europe on May 25, we need to ask you to do a couple of things: (1) accept our new terms and conditions and (2) re-subscribe to the Labdoo newsletter(s) if you'd like to continue receiving from time to time our newsletter about the Labdoo educational stories and initiatives happening around the world....

Dear member of the Labdoo platform:
As some of you may already know, just a few days ago we reached the amazing milestone of 1000 schools receiving Labdoo laptops in 120 different countries. This is an achievement that would not have been possible without all of you. For this reason this milestone is dedicated to you, who make every day Project Labdoo possible, whether it's by...