A story by Sloan Bragg.
Kar Geno is translated in Luo as, the Center for Hope. For several years now, the organization has been seeking and providing assistance, sustainability, and hope within their community of Asembo County. I learned of this organization through a website called Moving Worlds where you can volunteer your skills to better a community of people. Raphine Muga, one of Kar Geno's founders, expressed interest in my skills as a photographer and after a few Skype meetings and some emails later, the rest was history.

Right before travelling to Kenya, Raphine asked if I would be willing to travel from my home Charleston, SC all the way to Africa with two refurbished laptops generously provided by Labdoo. Unsure of their exact use and purpose, I accepted the extra weight in my carry on and made the long trek across the world.

I have now been in Kenya and working with the organization for about three weeks and have seen first hand the excitement and the joy Labdoo's laptops have brought to this organization. The two laptops provided will be used to teach Asembo's young women who were not given proper education, basic computer skills, as well as connecting the children and teachers in the nearby schools with teachers and students from the United States through a program called Teachers to Teachers.

Thank you so much to Labdoo for opening up this beautiful community's world. They are forever grateful for your generosity and excited for the possibilities in store for them!

Date it was last updated: 02/04/18