We are the Labdoo School Hub located at the Vedruna Sant Elies School in Vilafranca del Penedès (http://www.vedrunasantelies.cat/contingut.php?id=116&cont=12). We started 3 years ago because from the beginning the project thrilled us and we saw that the students were really eager and motivated.
We must say that we have had Jordi and Carles right by our side from the start and this has been key to being able to do a good job.
At present different students from 12 to 16 years of our school perform the so-called Sanitation Workshops.
Laptops arrive to our Hub from individuals or companies, these are laptops that have fallen into disuse. Our goal is to give them a second life and provide them with useful software for educational work.
Our work is divided into 3 parts. The first is called SANITATION and in it we clean the computers and install the free software called Edubuntu full of educational applications. The second step receives the name TAGGING where we register the devices within our Labdoo website, publicly starting the process. And the third step is called STORAGE consisting in labeling and storing the devices carefully and having them ready to be picked up by the volunteer travelers who take them to the destination schools in many countries around the world.
Currently healthy computers from our school have come to countries such as India, Morocco, Senegal, Thailand, Greece and Uganda to name a few.
We are fortunate to have met the project at school. Students learn, feel useful, become better persons and ultimately feel part of this great family called Labdoo.

Date it was last updated: 02/01/18