Mongolia, Ulgii Soum: College of Education
Mrs. Nurgul Khizmet, Head of the English Department,, Tel: 00976 7042 2582 - Mr. Bekbolat is former director
College of Education, 4th bag, Ulgii Soum, Bayan Ulgii Province, Mongolia Since 2016 an independent college, formerly a branch of the State University of Khovd. Responsible person: Mrs.Nurgul Khizmet, Head of the English Department, . 2015-16 490 students (2015 no high school class graduated in Mongolia, so the number of students declined. More expected in the fall of 2016) 30 full-time teachers, 10 part-time teachers Tel: 00976 7042 2582 Mr. Bekbolat is former director and also willing to help with the transport and distribution of the computers in the area. (He just left the college as he is hoping to be elected governor of the region in June 2016. (16 laptops: 3 für Lehrerinnen, 3 für die Englisch Bibliothek, 10 für das Internetzimmer)
Date it was last updated: 17/01/17