Nicaragua, Granada: Los Gusanitos - Education and care center for socially deprived children
Priska Buchmann
In the daycare center “Los Gusanitos” the children are educated in different subjects. The Kids are between 2 and 13 years old. To improve the skills of the older children with computers in general and the internet for researching tasks, laptops are needed. We would like to teach them a responsible contact with the “new” influence of computers which advance them new opportunities to work. They are also studying English in our school-lessons, but with the right software it is much easier and funnier for the kids to train the language. Also the little ones can learn the numbers, colors and the alphabet with the help of laptops. We see them as a great opportunity to assist our daily lessons. Each day a small group of children will be trained at the laptops to accomplish different tasks. Furthermore we would like to take advantage of the numerous pedagogical offers and softwares on the internet
Date it was last updated: 13/06/15