Hello translation team, based on feedback from a user in Germany, we have slightly modified one of the sentences in the emails that Labdoo generates automatically upon certain user actions (like tagging a laptop, updating a dootrip, etc.). To make sure this small change is reflected in all supported languages, could you help translate the following sentence to your language?
"If you think you have received this email by mistake or if you would like to stop receiving this type of messages, email us at contact@labdoo.org"
Thank you.
PS: This task is related to: https://www.labdoo.org/content/give-users-option-opt-out-laptop-updates
Solltest du diese E-Mail versehentlich erhalten haben oder falls du keine weiteren, solche E-Mails erhalten möchtest, schicke bitte eine Mail an contact@labdoo.org
Chinese translation:
Chinese translation:
“如果您認為此電子郵件寄錯信箱 ,或您不想繼續接收此類郵件,請發送電子郵件至 contact@labdoo.org”
Thank you for sending the
Thank you for sending the translations. You can check that they are correct by looking at this sample template (click on your language link and look at the bottom of the message where you will find the translated sentence):
Kazushi, we don't have Japanese translations for this email templates. If you would like to have them then someone would need to provide the Japanese template translations by following the instructions under "Translation of email (.email) files (estimated time 2 hours)": https://github.com/Labdoo/Labdoo/tree/master/translations#translation-of...