Edoovillage #1161 - Cameroon, Tiko: SABIBI FOUNDATION-Integrated ICTs Education for the challenges of globalization
4.1. Name: Ewande Ngwo Azinwi
4.2. Phone: +237690371249
4.3. Email: sabibifoundation@gmail.com
SABIBI Foundation is an educational driven organization operating in Tiko Community, South West Region of Cameroon. The organization is currently running one nursery and primary school and a comprehensive secondary school all in Tiko Community with a current total enrolment of over 700pupils and students. It is worth noting that Tiko is one of the places in the South West Region with relative stability since the socio-political situation in the two English speaking regions of Cameroon escalated in late 2016 with schools going on unperturbed compared to other places like Kupe Muanengubu, Indian, Lebialem and Manyu Divisions of the South West regions where schools have almost halted. Internally displaced persons and educational refugees are flooding Tiko community every day. We believe education must be continued even in the face of crisis and we are doing our best in this regards.The organization exists to build human resources competent to meet the eminent challenges in today’s society. We believe that in the process of building human capital that can meet the challenges of the contemporary society of today driven by Information and Communication Technologies, the teaching of ICTs must not be a mere theoretical concept rather, it should be more a practical subject that offers learners real experiences of manipulating and working directly on a computer. The laptops will therefore be used to train pupils and students in our school in various aspects such as using a computer to type, draw, calculate, design and perform other basic operations. The laptops will also facilitate the teaching-learning process through computer assisted learning. The computers will help us to bridge the digital gap and form pupils and students who can compete with others on the global scale.
Date it was last updated: 08/02/24