Edoovillage #2044 - Uganda, Hoima Oil City: Answer the need Foundation



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Edoovillage #2044 - Uganda, Hoima Oil City: Answer the need Foundation


Answer the need Foundation
Mid-western Uganda. Hoima Central Market, Market Cell, Hoima-Kyenjojo Road
Hoima Oil City
1° 25' 50.2824" N, 31° 21' 8.1108" E
kurze Projektbeschreibung: 
Answer the need Foundation
Anzahl Lehrer: 
Anzahl Schüler: 
Kontakt vor Ort: 



We are carrying out research in over 100 villages in Hoima aimed at establishing the impact of corona virus on the girl child and also training rural secondary school students and their teachers on computer literacy, use and software information.

Covid-19 has united the world in an incredibly unique way. While it is true that everyone has struggled with the fallout of this global pandemic, it has had more serious consequences on some of the most vulnerable populations. Unfortunately, adolescent girls have been among the most adversely affected and for some, life has become downright dangerous.

In Hoima city in Uganda, schools have been shuttered for over 10 months with a phased way of reopening and this has left rural secondary schools students with no access to academic information. Without the support system of teachers and school administrators, many girls are left vulnerable and left out as far as education is concerned.

The development of education is generally a core component objective in many of the national strategic plans or visions developed by the governments of our developing country.

The project is aimed at enabling teachers and students to have knowledge on effective use of ICT at their teaching and learning environment.Currently most if not all schools keep students records in a manual system where it is not easy to have the whole records easily.

The organisation believes that through this project will assist on the side of the students to understand the better use of the internet as to facilitate their academic performance. Currently most rural schools in Kitoba subcounty in Hoima, Uganda have no computer laboratories and those that have, the schools are closed due to lock down caused by coronavirus.Secondary school students have been at home for close to one year with no access to any educational material. This project will therefore avail the rural secondary students and their teachers with access to academic materials and information to improve on their academic performance

As an organization, we are moving into the rural villages now [to engage girls]. "We want to pick the data of all these adversely affected rural girls so as to provide them with training on better use of the internet as a way to improve education performance in the region. The Internet is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities,consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols to link several billion devices worldwide,'' says Alinda Herbert Billy, the programs manager, Answer The Need Foundation.

1.Project Goals; The main goal is to promote computer literacy, accessibility and usage of electronic information and resources by rural secondary school going girls during this covid era for their own benefit and inclusion.

Create and increase awareness and usage of ICT in data electronic resources for rural secondary girls at village level for enhancement of management,teaching,learning and research activities.

How will the laptops be used.
The laptops will be used to train rural secondary school teachers on better use of computer and data entry to ease their work of record keeping and also make it easy for them to easily track student academic performance by seeing the graphic trend of a particular student especially in rural neglected schools of Hoima district,Uganda, where such opportunities are not available.

The computers will also be used to train rural students on computer use and also access information on better use of the internet to support their academic activities.

The laptops will also be used by the organisation to conduct a research on the number of rural secondary school girls affected by school lock down instituted by government as a response to Corona Virus and collect adequate data to avail to government and other bodies who are in position to avail solutions and help to the affected girls.

Training on searching techniques,storage and easy use of education resources e.g, textbooks, pamphlets,lecture notes,audio and videos. These are always available on the internet and most of them are free but can not be accessed by these secondary school rural girls since they are computer illiterate.

The laptops will also be used to train rural secondary school students on various education resources sites relating to academic curriculum through CRITICAL THINKING and MEDIA LITERACY teaching since the internet is full of false and misleading information and requires these skills prior.

As indicated through this project it will deal with computer literacy, better use of the internet and developing a database system to secondary schools, also the training will be conducted for teachers from the rural schools, rural secondary school students, conduct research work on the welfare and education of rural girls in Hoima district.

Green: the rest of the dootronics can be sent
Anzahl benötigte IT-Spenden: 
Lokale Sprache(n): 
English, Swahili
Art der Web-Anbindung: 
Wired or Wireless
Date it was created: 06/04/21/
Date it was last updated: 06/04/21


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Dootrip #0000017662021-05-31T14:15:00Bonn, GermanyHoima Oil City, UgandaCancelled00


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