Edoovillage #2488 - Nigeria, Jos South: Back to school Project for internally displaced girls | Pret Consultancy
Nkechi Lynda Emmanuel
Back to school Project for internally displaced girls – This project is focused on providing digital reintegration support to IDP young females who are forced out of school due to conflict. Girls are within the ages of 16-25.
Following the continuous displacement occasioned by Boko Haram attacks on Northern Nigeria as well as farmer- herders conflicts experienced, this project is seeking to pilot a tech learning hub for young girl children who have been displaced from school due to these incidents. The girls will be resident in Plateau state and have been previously trained on entrepreneurship by the GIZ or indicated interest in digital exposures. We intend to partner with local NGOs providing support to these young women as well as government organizations like PLASMIDA. We would rent a secure space and convert it to our learning hub for this purpose. We have 3 volunteer support teachers and home to bring in more once the program commences. Classes will be hybrid and internet will be made available. The intent is to teach the participants computer skills that equip them for the future with or without access to formal education. All services will be 100% Free, we hope to be able to provide free lunch and transport stipends through charitable supports and self-sponsorship.
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Date it was last updated: 22/02/23