Bild des Benutzers MichaelKnight
Submitted by MichaelKnight | Last message on: Sa, 09/21/2024 - 10:40 | 0 comment(s)
Hi all, Labtix installer uses "shred" command to securely erase HDDs. I read that this command is not suitable for SSDs: Thoughts on that? Should the overwrite method maybe be changed? Gruß, Sebastian
Bild des Benutzers MichaelKnight
Submitted by MichaelKnight | Last message on: Sa, 09/21/2024 - 10:38 | 2 comment(s)
Hi all, I just tested in Labtix 3.01 to start shredding the disk and then closing the lid. When I open it up after a few minutes, I see it has not progressed in the meantime. I think Labtix is configured to enter energy saving mode when closing the lid. Does anyone know how to change this to only switch off the display, but do nothing else? Thanks everybody!
Bild des Benutzers eparpal
Submitted by eparpal | Last message on: Mi, 09/18/2024 - 09:32 | 0 comment(s)
Hi, there is a dootriper who asks how many laptops could he be allowed to carry to Chile and Colombia. He is going to Chile first and then to Colombia. Does anybody have any experience on these countries? Thanks
Bild des Benutzers Josepmsm
Submitted by Josepmsm | Last message on: Do, 07/11/2024 - 09:36 | 2 comment(s)
Dear all, I've only been a Labdoer for two months, and I've sanitized just a few old laptops. This is my first post in this wall as well. Last week, I got a donation of an EeePC with only 1Gb of RAM. I've installed Labtix 2 22_04_LTS_EN_160 and everything works fine regarding the hardware. The software works fine too, but it's extremely slow. For instance, it's very frustrating trying to...
Bild des Benutzers jordi
Submitted by jordi | Last message on: Di, 07/02/2024 - 13:22 | 1 comment(s)
Hello Labdooers, We want to give everyone an update on two platform upgrades that are coming up: - First, today Tuesday July 2nd during evening/night time CET we plan to perform an upgrade of the Labdoo platform hardware. We hope this can increase the performance of our backend server, which recently has been experiencing some slow downs. - Second, as some of you know, for the past year...
Bild des Benutzers NorbertB
Submitted by NorbertB | Last message on: Sa, 06/15/2024 - 09:39 | 2 comment(s)
Recently I've been getting laptops where WiFi works in Labtix, but not in the installed image. This affects different manufacturers (Lenovo, HP, Medion). Are there any drivers that can be installed?
Bild des Benutzers NorbertB
Submitted by NorbertB | Last message on: Do, 06/13/2024 - 15:54 | 4 comment(s)
I have a question. Today I got 2 pretty old MacBooks (from 2008 or 2009) and am trying to labtix them. They are booting from the Labtix stick, but only into a command line, not to a desktop. Can we do something with that? Has anyone ever had this?
Bild des Benutzers NorbertB
Submitted by NorbertB | Last message on: Mo, 06/10/2024 - 18:23 | 2 comment(s)
Hi, today I got a Lenovo ThinkPad with a nvme SSD inside. Labtix shows this device as nvme0n1 to me. If installer ask me for boot device, I tried "nvme0n1", "/dev/nvme0n1" but nothing works. Everytime I get an error message "Target disk does not exist in the image..." What can I do?
Bild des Benutzers JoseLuis
Submitted by JoseLuis | Last message on: Do, 05/02/2024 - 11:24 | 1 comment(s)
Dear, I'd like to know how to install the labdoo environment on a Chromebook. I already have a labtix but i don't know if it's possible to use a usb drive to run the labdoo environment on a Chromebook. Thanks in advance, José Luis
Bild des Benutzers Jude Chinecherem
Submitted by Jude Chinecherem | Last message on: Di, 10/24/2023 - 05:04 | 1 comment(s)
Good day peeps, Please I was told that before my project could be approved, I will have to get in touch with someone that is traveling from one of the labdoo hubs to my area. Does anyone here know how to get across to Dootripers that are traveling to Nigeria? Thanks