Tanzania, Mbulu: Utwari school
Hertha Schwaighofer, PoBox 13451, Arusha
Finde Babati fidejiendeleze@gmail.com
Postadresse: FIDE Jiendeleze
P.O. BOX 529
Senkondo Mgalla
Fide Jiendeleze
Utwari secondary school is a recent learning institution established in 2011 by the villagers with the support of the government. it is located in a remote area, about 70 km north west of Babati town. The school has 231 students of age 15 to 19 years and 15 teachers. All the students are from farmer families. Since last November the school is connected to the national electrict grid. This is an important development aspect in our rural places.
FIDE has worked with this school for several years now on three project namely water supply where by water was drawn through pipes from a spring in the mountain about 5 km away fro the school. We have also improved their kitchen by providing efficient wood stoves and alluminium pots and supported orphan students and those from very poor farmilies.
Date it was last updated: 07/02/20