Edoovillage #1104 - Indonesia, Bekasi : Serving kids | Loving God, Loving People
4.1. Name: Kristina Paseru
4. 2.Phone: (+62) 82187910075
4.3.Email: paserukristina@gmail.com
"Loving God, Loving People" is a non- proofit organisation founded by Kristina Paseru, where its aim is to serve kids at a formal school(s) and in community (kids at orphanage, kids who cannot study at a formal school). The founder of the project started to do this kind of services since she was studied at the University of Hasanuddin. The laptop(s) that Labdoo will donate to this organization will be used as a supporting tool to make the services to be more better.
2. Project Location: In these days, the founder of the project serves in Cikarang area, Indonesia. But the services could also be done in other places in Indonesia where as the founder lives and
Date it was last updated: 22/04/18