Labdoo City Hub Granollers



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Labdoo City Hub Granollers



Roca Umbert Fàbrica de les Arts
Carrer de la Mare de Déu de Montserrat, 36
08401 Granollers
41° 36' 6.2604" N, 2° 16' 57.4284" E
Hub (Zentrale Anlaufstelle)
Über dieses Hub: 

Amb la col·laboració de l'Institut Carles Vallbona

Hub branches: 
Date it was created: 27/01/21/
Date it was last updated: 28/08/24


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Dootronic ID Land Status Model Serial number Weight
000021895 Switzerland [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled Unknown Unknown
000023537 Switzerland [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled Unknown Unknown
000023538 Switzerland [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled Unknown Unknown
000023539 Switzerland [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled Unknown Unknown
000023547 Switzerland [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled Unknown Unknown
000023553 Switzerland [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled Unknown Unknown
000023597 Switzerland [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled Unknown Unknown
000023598 Switzerland [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled Unknown Unknown
000023602 Switzerland [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled Unknown Unknown
000023604 Switzerland [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled Unknown Unknown
000023605 Switzerland [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled Unknown Unknown
000023623 Switzerland [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled Unknown Unknown
000024573 Switzerland [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled Unknown Unknown
000024575 Switzerland [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled Unknown Unknown
000024577 Switzerland [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled Unknown Unknown
000025236 Switzerland [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled Unknown Unknown
000027749 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used GATEWAY DATA SERIES 000072249
000027751 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used GATEWAY DATA SERIES 000027751
000027752 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used GATEWAY DATA SERIES 000072252
000027991 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used PLACA MSI G31TM-P35 000027991
000028050 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used Pentium DualCore R 000028050
000028220 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used Pentium DualCore R 000028220
000028221 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used Asrock Dual Core 000028221
000028511 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used Asrock Dual Core not
000029066 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used PLACA MSI G31TM-P35 not
000029069 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used GATEWAY DATA SERIES not
000029170 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used MSI DualCore not
000029171 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used MSI DualCore not
000029198 Spain [S0] Tagged with a Labdoo ID Compaq 6730s CNU8492MD3
000029937 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used IPXS8 not
000030042 Spain [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled GIGABYTE GA-965GM-S2 not
000030043 Spain [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled GIGABYTE GA-965GM-S2 not
000030335 Spain [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled HP 3D driver Guard not
000030395 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used GIGABYTE GA-965GM-S2 not
000030396 Spain [S6] Recycled Pentium 4 not
000030397 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used acer not
000030404 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP compaq Not
000030409 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP compaq Not
000030428 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP pentium Not
000030437 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP pentium Not
000030449 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP pentium Not
000030466 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP pentium Not
000030481 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP pentium Not
000030512 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP compaq Not
000030528 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP compaq Not
000030530 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP compaq Not
000030542 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP compaq Not
000030554 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP compaq Not
000031996 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP COMPAQ not
000032006 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP COMPAQ not
000032021 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP COMPAQ not
000032033 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP COMPAQ not
000032317 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used Celerom not
000032591 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP COMPAQ not
000033498 Spain [S0] Tagged with a Labdoo ID HP COMPAQ not
000033563 Spain [S0] Tagged with a Labdoo ID HP COMPAQ not


L’Ajuntament de Granollers se suma al projecte de la xarxa social col·laborativa Labdoo que treballa amb ordinadors i material informàtic amb l’objectiu de sanejar-los i fer-los arribar a les persones que els necessitin reduint així l’escletxa digital a la ciutat. Així, l’Ajuntament ha creat el Labdoo City Hub Granollers que serà punt de recollida i de recuperació del material informàtic que es destinarà, posteriorment, a famílies vulnerables.

Aquest projecte és possible gràcies a la participació de diversos serveis municipals que s’han coordinat per fer-ho possible. Així, el «drop point» o punt d’entrega dels ordinadors és a Roca Umbert Fàbrica de les Arts. El Servei d’Educació ha fet possible que alumnes del cicle formatiu de grau mig d’informàtica de l’insitut Carles Vallbona treballin en el sanejament del material informàtic que es reculli a Roca Umbert per donar-li un segon ús. Aquesta feina seran pràctiques incloses en els seus estudis que tutoritza el Servei d’Informàtica. A més, a través de la Plataforma Grid Granollers promoguda en el marc del projecte Granollers entre en simbiosi, l'empresa VIVACE LOGÍSTIC va fer la primera aportació de material facilitant l'inici del projecte a la ciutat.



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