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Labdoo D A CH

Imagen de Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last mesage on Vie, 12/13/2019 - 14:24 | 0 comment(s)
Labtix 1.02 is now available. Many thanks to Javier and Thomsen. You improved Labtix again. Within 12 months the installation tool Labtix became a world-wide success story within Labdoo project. Version 1.02 comes with the following enhancements:
  • Scripts are able to handle various storage devices for images and content,
  • Audacious to test CD/DVD-drives easily,
  • ...

Coffee Shop

Imagen de Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last mesage on Jue, 12/05/2019 - 20:48 | 2 comment(s)
Hi Labdooers, as you might have noticed (L)Ubuntu 18.04 LTS brought up some changes in the installation tools. To clone actual Labdoo images you should use an actual Parted Magic (PM, the versions 2012/2013 might not work cloning 18.04 images). But an actual PM is not for free anymore (11 $ per license)! As some of you requested, Labdoo (Germany) started to develop some new, license free...
Imagen de ugandafriend
Submitted by ugandafriend | Last mesage on Lun, 11/18/2019 - 13:54 | 1 comment(s)
Since 2009 it is forbidden by law to import used computers to Uganda. Is there a legal way e.g. are there exceptions? I ask, because I encountered problems at the customs this year at Entebbe airport. If someone is interested I share the whole story ;-). TIA
Imagen de Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last mesage on Lun, 11/18/2019 - 13:09 | 3 comment(s)
Wir Deutschen sind ja Reise-Weltmeister :) So ist es nicht überraschend, dass der 1.000. Flugpaten aus Essen, Deutschland kommt (y) Eine neuer Meilenstein in unserem Projekt! 2 Laptops gehen nach Kabale in Uganda, danke allen Spendern, Helfern und natürlich dem Flugpaten :) Die Jugendlichen warten schon... We...
Imagen de Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last mesage on Lun, 11/18/2019 - 08:34 | 2 comment(s)
Since a long time Labdoo (Germany) is either collaborating with other German NGOs, which are taking care of the work on-site, checking that IT donations stay on-site and that the project is serious. But sometimes schools or NGOs contact Labdoo (Germany) directly. In such cases we ask for additional documents, proofing the existence of the school or project, e.g. the school registration...

Labdoo Global Support (LGS)

Imagen de matteo_AUCOOP
Submitted by matteo_AUCOOP | Last mesage on Mar, 12/03/2019 - 07:04 | 5 comment(s)
Good evening, I am having ethical concerns with respect to the public disclosure of the on-site point of contact information. In particular, we think that it is not ethical publishing on Labdoo website the following information: 1. Name 2. Surname 3. Telephone 4. Email Address 5. Physical address 6. GPS 7. Project application’s PDF (including the information above and more) In our...
Imagen de Association Ecole Avenir Sûr
Submitted by Association Eco... | Last mesage on Mar, 12/03/2019 - 06:54 | 0 comment(s)
About the education software, how can i download it for our other computers? Can i also find it in french language please ?
Imagen de matteo_AUCOOP
Submitted by matteo_AUCOOP | Last mesage on Lun, 11/25/2019 - 17:34 | 2 comment(s)
Good morning, I am new in Labdoo and, in order to improve the precious Labtix instruction guide offered by Labdoo, I wanted to point out the following aspects I didn't find very clear during the first installation process: - although it is possible downloading the necessary software and content from (as explained here:

Labdoo Catalonia

Imagen de eparpal
Submitted by eparpal | Last mesage on Mié, 11/27/2019 - 15:38 | 0 comment(s)
Bon dia a tots els col·laboradors de Labdoo a Catalunya, Com ja haureu vist a les xarxes socials hem iniciat una nova col.laboració amb Proactiva Open Arms i AUCOOP_UPC. Totes tres organitzacions hem unit forces per fer arribar l'educació als nens i nenes de l'Àfrica, per tal que deixin de morir al Mediterrani. Us volem demanar si voleu participar, bé donant ordinadors o bé divulgant la...

Wiki and Translations

Imagen de jordi
Submitted by jordi | Last mesage on Sáb, 11/16/2019 - 00:05 | 0 comment(s)
Hello team, I wanted to introduce Catalina (@Catalina2405), who is joining us as a volunteer part of the internship program that we are part of with the Department of Translation and Interpretation from Univestitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Catalina will be working to help correct grammatical mistakes on the English translation of the Labtix manuals and to help improve the overall flow. As...