All teams activities

Labdoo Global Support (LGS)

Imagen de jfdzar
Submitted by jfdzar | Last mesage on Lun, 04/19/2021 - 07:54 | 1 comment(s)
Hi there! I have discovered one thing today which made me pretty happy :) I had received a Mac Book Air donated, which worked pretty good. The only problem was that the top part of the screen was broken, let say like 2 cm I research to replace the screen but just the replacement is $300 :O So after a small research in Internet I found this post
Imagen de eparpal
Submitted by eparpal | Last mesage on Lun, 04/05/2021 - 05:46 | 2 comment(s)
We are now sanitizing many laptops so, once in a while, we make mistakes when typing the id when tagging. Some of us (I personally do that once in a while) may swap codes form 12394 to 12943 or similar. I know of two possible solutions for that and would like to know and share about them: a) Add a Check digit- b) Extract all the info with an USB connected to internet, sending the id...
Imagen de Rehema
Submitted by Rehema | Last mesage on Jue, 03/11/2021 - 08:23 | 1 comment(s)
Dear Team My name is Rehema Konza, from Dar es salaam Tanzania, iam the founder of non profit organization called WEEDO, i have 10 laptops that help girls to have free education in kigamboni Dar es salaam.We are so grateful We have one problem in all laptops we have All we have access on one user name called "GUEST SESSION" this user name doesn't have password to log in except others , Our...
Imagen de jordi
Submitted by jordi | Last mesage on Jue, 02/18/2021 - 21:37 | 0 comment(s)
Hello all, As some of you know, the Labdoo development team has been working for the past months on a new set of landing pages for our web portal. The new landing pages have been designed to provide a better user experience, specially for new users coming to the platform who are interested in learning about the Labdoo project and how to participate. You will see that the current Labdoo...

Labdoo D A CH

Imagen de Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last mesage on Vie, 02/26/2021 - 09:49 | 0 comment(s)
Bitte teilen und weiterleiten, danke. Unser HelferInnen vom Labdoo Hub München sucht einen Lagerraum für IT-Spenden in München und Umgebung. Unsere gemeinnützige NGO erhält und vermittelt IT-Spenden für Home Schooling und Integration im Raum München. Zur Lagerung unserer IT-Spenden suchen wir auf Basis einer Spendenquittung einen Lagerraum (ca. 12 m2...
Imagen de Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last mesage on Lun, 02/01/2021 - 13:29 | 0 comment(s)
Einige der Labdoo-Laptops verfügen nicht über eine Webcam. Teils, weil es Firmen-Laptops sind, bei denen aus Sicherheitsüberlegungen heraus vom Vorbesitzer keine Webcam geordert wurde oder nicht lieferbar war, weil die Webcam defekt ist oder aus anderen Gründen. Da einige Schulen und Projektpartner angefragt haben, wo und was man nachkaufen sollte, hier einige Tipps.
  • Empfohlen wird...

Coffee Shop

Imagen de jordi
Submitted by jordi | Last mesage on Jue, 02/18/2021 - 21:37 | 0 comment(s)
Hello all, As some of you know, the Labdoo development team has been working for the past months on a new set of landing pages for our web portal. The new landing pages have been designed to provide a better user experience, specially for new users coming to the platform who are interested in learning about the Labdoo project and how to participate. You will see that the current Labdoo...
Imagen de Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last mesage on Mié, 02/10/2021 - 19:42 | 0 comment(s)
Ihr möchtet Labdoo näher kennenlernen oder jemandem erklären, wie Labdoo funktioniert? Dafür gibt es jetzt unsere Projektpräsentation in Deutsch und Englisch. You want to learn more about Labdoo or to explain a friend, how Labdoo works? You can use our German and English project presentation. Auf / On YouTube: EN: DE: Oder...
Imagen de Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last mesage on Jue, 02/04/2021 - 07:14 | 0 comment(s)
Dear Labdoo community, Please vote for Labdoo: From 03.02.-16.02.2021 you can vote online for Labdoo. Labdoo participates in the project Enter your email address (if you have more than one, please vote with everyone), check (mark) Labdoo and 2 other projects as well as the privacy policy, click on "...

Software Development

Imagen de jordi
Submitted by jordi | Last mesage on Jue, 02/18/2021 - 21:37 | 0 comment(s)
Hello all, As some of you know, the Labdoo development team has been working for the past months on a new set of landing pages for our web portal. The new landing pages have been designed to provide a better user experience, specially for new users coming to the platform who are interested in learning about the Labdoo project and how to participate. You will see that the current Labdoo...