Nepal, Udayapur: Nepal, Udayapur: Shree Majkharka scecondary school Majkharka
Mr. Phatak Bahadur Khatri
Shree Majkharka Secondary Schoo is a government school which is established in 1971.This school is managed by School management committee. the school is very located for the students , naturally is beauty, providing good education and most of the children are very poor family.. This school was established at Majkharka, Udayapur in 1971 as a primary school with the view to providing good education to the boys and girls of that area. The community realize the secondary school and upgraded to lower secondary and secondary. The total students of the school is 369 from 1 class to 10. The result of the school is good in that area. The total building of the school are 5 and 3 toilets.
Geographically this area is very hard for the student, they have to spent 3 hours walking to get the school every day. This school is also supporting by Mountain Spirit Deutschland organization from 2014
Date it was last updated: 31/05/15