What to Do Once the Laptops are Deployed


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Here is the check list of things to do once you have deployed the laptops in an edoovillage:

  • The following links will redirect you to a “how to start” wiki explaining how to use the Labdoo laptops. Tell the students and the teachers of the school where you are deploying the laptops about these wiki guides. If they don't have access to the Internet, print them (front and back to help save paper) and give them the printed copy.
  • - English: https://www.labdoo.org/content/how-start-labdoo-laptop
    - German: https://www.labdoo.org/de/content/wie-starte-ich-den-computer
    - French: http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/documents/french/labdoo-letter-recipient-...
    - Spanish: http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/documents/spanish/labdoo-letter-recipient...
    - Russian: http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/documents/russian/labdoo-letter-recipient...

  • Please ensure that the teachers and the students receive a copy of the 'Dootronics Welcome Package'. If they don't have it yet, remember that you can download it for them from this page.
  • It is specially important that you explain the teachers and the students in your edoovillage that they can use the Labdoo Global Support wall to resolve any of their technical questions. This is really necessary to ensure Labdoo can help them solve any question they may have. More information about the LGS program can be found in this page.
  • Since some edoovillages do not have access to the Internet, various languages and keyboard layouts are preinstalled and preset. Depending on the language the teachers and the children speak at school, you may want to change the default settings of your laptops. To adjust the language settings, read the instructions from this page.
  • The power plugs provided with the laptop may or may not match depending on the type used in the country where your edoovillage is located. If the power plugs do not match, they can be acquired from a local computer store at a very modest price. This table provides a list of standard plugs based on the different countries.
  • Labdoo laptops come preloaded with several Open Education Resources (OER) manuals in a large variety of languages that can be found in the folder '/home/labdoo/Public/'.
  • On each laptop desktop you will find a folder called 'videos' with a set of video tutorials for users and technicians.
  • Each laptop comes with 3 user accounts: 'labdoo', 'student' and 'guest'. For details refer to the how to start guide.
  • Often there are local Linux or Ubuntu User Groups (called LoCoteams) in the country of the edoovillages. These communities might help if there are any questions. You can find your nearest Ubuntu LoCoteam by going to this website and selecting your country: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/. You can also use Google or any search engine to find and locate them.
  • Some of the laptops might come with a Windows system as a guest operating system on a VirtualBox (only if the requirements for a Windows license are fulfilled and if the laptop is powerful enough to host a virtual machine). Search for VirtualBox under the list of applications and, if it is available, you can launch a Windows virtual machine from this application.
  • Labdoo.org helpers invested a lot of time and effort to offer you and the children an optimal system. But we are all human and mistakes are unavoidable some times. If you have any suggestions to improve the Labdoo system, please inform us. We would like to know and learn from you. Please provide any feedback that you have by writing to the Labdoo Global Support wall.

Continue reading to the next page:
How to Package a Laptop for Dootripping

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Take Pictures and Upload them to the Photo Album