Edoovillage #2611 - Cameroon, AKWAYA, MANYU DIVISION: GHS AKWAYA
6.1 Full Name(*):EYONG EWANE GUY
6.2 Phone(*):(+237) 677223683/696 94 1102
6.3 Email(*):eyongjr@yahoo.co.uk
The project entails finding pull factors and attractive equipment and techniques to encourage school resumption in akwaya.
Akwaya sub division, is one of the most remote enclave localities of the south west region and the most affected in terms of the socio-economic crisis. The region lacks social facilities like roads, potable water and electricity. The schools operate in a difficult environment.
With an emerging society and ever computerized community today the students in this area have never seen what is called a computer, talk less of a laptop. It is on this background that I am applying for laptops so that the students can integrate in the 21st century educational system.
These laptops will be used to do practical lessons usually taught theoretically as well as enhance some skills in the students.
Date it was last updated: 15/08/23