Response to an Unreasonable Request


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If you have any questions about this page or if you find any errors, please write a message to the support wall and a Labdoo volunteer will help resolve it. Thank you for helping to improve our wiki pages.


I am writing with reference to your request for (STATE THE REQUEST).

As you may know, Labdoo is a humanitarian social network that connects people around the world to provide those in underdeveloped regions with a chance at a better education. To serve the schools we partner with, we rely on the generosity of this global team of volunteers who donate their time and energy to make our world a better place.

Due to the limitations of our resources and capabilities, we unfortunately are unable to meet your request for (STATE THE REQUEST). Given the situation, the best we can do is to (PROVIDE AN OPTION SUCH AS REFERRING THEM TO ANOTHER ORGANIZATION).

Thank you for the work that you do to (STATE THEIR MISSION).


Labdoo Team |
Tag a laptop, spread education

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Response when Applicant does not fulfil Labdoo Requirements

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Response When You Cannot/Did Not Meet Delivery Deadline