Tanzania, Moshi: NAFGEM


Messaggio di stato

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Tanzania, Moshi: NAFGEM


Room 322, 3rd Floor, Voda House. Boma Road
3° 20' 52.764" S, 37° 20' 25.26" E
Breve descrizione del progetto: 
Numero di insegnanti: 
Numero di studenti: 
Punto di contatto in loco: 

Francis Romani Selasini

Descrizione del progetto: 

NAFGEM intends to establish an Information Technology center for children. The idea will enhance children interest in participating into education activities. It will also provide an opportunity for the children to learn new things especially when they are not in their routine classroom work.
The NGO/ non-profit organization NAFGEM is fighting against female genital mutilation and other forms of gender based violence in Tanzania. The organization was founded in late 1998 and officially registered by Tanzania government in 1999. Our work is generally focusing on educating women and girls about their human rights notably the FGM and mechanisms to overcome the practice. We engage women and children to say no to FGM, also challenging the local traditional, government and religious leaders to exercise their responsibility of protecting women and girls against abuse. We also run day care center services to pre-school children. At the center, young mothers also use the opportunity to promote their education and life skills.
NAFGEM beabsichtigt, IT Räume für Kinder einzurichten. Dadurch soll das Interesse der Kinder an der Teilnahme an Bildungsmaßnahmen verbessert werden. Es wird auch eine Gelegenheit für die Kinder neue Dinge zu lernen - vor allem außerhalb der Routine ihrer Klassenzimmer.
Die NGO / Non-Profit-Organisation NAFGEM kämpft gegen weibliche Genitalverstümmelung und andere Formen von geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt in Tansania. Die Organisation wurde Ende 1998 gegründet und offiziell von Tanzanias Regierung im Jahr 1999 registriert. Der Schwerpunkt unserer Arbeit liegt i.d.R. auf der Ausbildung von Frauen und Mädchen, Information über ihre Menschenrechte, insbesondere wie weibliche Genitalverstümmelung (FGM) vermieden werden kann. Wir ermutigen Frauen und Kinder, nein zu FGM zu sagen. Wir treten an lokale traditionelln, staatlichn und religiösn Führer heran, um ihre Verantwortung für den Schutz von Frauen und Mädchen gegen Missbrauch auszuüben. Wir bieten auch Tagesstätten und Dienstleistungen für Kinder im Vorschulalter an, um jungen Müttern die Möglichkeit zu bieten, ihre Ausbildung abzuschließen und ihre Kenntnisse zu vertiefen.

Yellow: first dootronics can be sent
Numero di computer Labdoo necessitati: 
Lingua(e) locale(i): 
Voltaggio della presa di corrente: 
220-240 Volts
Tipo di presa di corrente: 
Tipo di connessione internet: 
Wired or Wireless
Date it was created: 27/03/13/
Date it was last updated: 09/06/15


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Dootronic ID Paese Stato Model Serial number Weight
000003019 Tanzania [S4] Deployed and being used Dell Latitude D800 0107899029300955
000003022 Tanzania [S4] Deployed and being used Dell Latitude D620 0151062198
000003023 Tanzania [S4] Deployed and being used HP G60-230US Notebook PC 2CE851PZNW
000003025 Tanzania [S4] Deployed and being used Asus W5F 63N0AP000679
000003026 Tanzania [S4] Deployed and being used Dell Inspiron 5100 CN-09U807-12961-3CK-2592
000003027 Tanzania [S4] Deployed and being used Asus Eee PC 1005PEB A30AAS526171
000003042 Tanzania [S4] Deployed and being used Dell Latitude D610 CN-0D4571-4843-58R-1683
000003080 Tanzania [S4] Deployed and being used Dell Latitude D610 FTMDV-G4WD4-WXKDR-6YPQW-P63G6
000003082 Tanzania [S4] Deployed and being used Dell Latitude D600 CN-0X3677-38561-4C6-1621
000003083 Tanzania [S4] Deployed and being used Toshiba Satellite A105-S4074 76123241Q


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