All teams activities
Labdoo Catalonia
Hola Labdooers de Catalunya!
Aquesta setmana cada dia es retransmetra un reportatge de Labdoo gravat al Hub de l'Escola Vedruna Sant Elies de Vilafranca del Penedes al programa de Catalunya Radio "Efecte Papallona". Doblement especial doncs aquest es un programa molt important on es parla de la importancia de preservar el medi ambient i de construir un mon mes sostenible entre tots i totes...
Bon dia,
Tenim ara tres projectes amb viatgers que surten des de Catalunya cap al Senegal Marroc i Panama a finals de Novembre. Algu de vosaltres te portails disponibles? Des de Vilafranca podem contribuir-ne 5, pero en necessitem mes.
El proper viatge seria el de Senegal poden portar 2 portatils i surt el dia 28 de Novembre, que correspon a aquest dootrip:
Coffee Shop
Danke Raluca Ciulei, dass du deine Stimme dem rumänischen Erklärvideo geliehen hast. Jetzt verstehen Schulen und Kinder in Rumänien noch besser, was Labdoo für sie tun kann :)
Thank you, Raluca Ciulei for lending your voice to the Romanian Labdoo video. Now schools and children in Romania can even better understand, what Labdoo can do for them :)
Îți mulțumesc Raluca Ciulei pentru că ți-ai...
Ihr habt die Labdoo-Konferenz in Duisburg verpasst? Oder wollt euch nochmals in Ruhe alles anschauen / nachlesen? Kein Problem - hier sind Videos, Vorträge und Fotos.
You missed the Labdoo conference in Duisburg? Or you want to read or watch at home, what was presented? No problem - here are all videos, presentations and photos:
Dear all,
as a first result of the Labdoo conference 2018 we reorganized the directory structure of the Labdoo images. At you will find language specific folders as EN, FR, ES, DE etc. and therein the images for these languages. This is more logic and flexible for the future for new languages. Thanks Javier for your input.
As a result of this change...
I've recently been asked how do we know if there is any restriction on bringing electronic devices into some countries. Although I personally haven't heard travelers from my side running into any problems, I found here may be a good tool to be used to justify if it's safe to bring a computer device to a certain country. , select from and to countries and check...
Labdoo-California, USA
Dear all,
We hope you had a nice Thanksgiving break.
Our December meeting will be on this coming Sunday 12/2. We will focus on fixing the semi-working laptops this month so please bring your toolkit with you.
Thanks again for your continuous support and looking forward to seeing you again soon!
~The Labdoo-OC Team
Labdoo D A CH
Unser nächster Schweizer Labdoo Laptop Sanitation Workshop wird am Samstag, dem 8. Dezember 2018 in 8966 Oberwil-Lieli stattfinden.
Auch, wenn es bis dahin noch etwas hin ist: Ronald Fleckenstein und ich haben bereits mit den ersten Vorbereitungen begonnen, um einen reibungslosen Ablauf zu ermöglichen.
Dieses Mal geht es nicht darum einen neuen Weltrekord aufzustellen, sondern vor...
Software Development
Currently all email correspondance that is related to logistic operations (tagging, traveling, etc.) is done via the CC field. This task is about hiding all email addresses to BCC and only showing in CC those addresses corresponding to hub and edoovillage managers.