old MAC support



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I ran into installation problems with old MACs and I found this in the German Wiki that limited support is provided to old MACs

We've received many old macs recently, any suggestions how we can best re-purpose of these old macs? Thanks!!


Obrazek użytkownika Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Wysłane przez Rhein-Ruhr-Hub w śr., 10/25/2017 - 05:12

Hi Wendy,
it depends on the CPU of the Apple laptops. If they are older than 2006 they contain a PowerPC CPU (PPC) and not an Intel CPU (2007ff.). At Labdoo Germany we stopped to use PPC-Apples, as there is too much work and time to be invested. Also the Linux community reduced contribution for PPC base.
Even removing RAM and disc drives is hard work (be careful, sharp edges), but this is he only usage of donated PPC-Apples in Germany, sorry.
If you want to use them you should check for an actual Linux iso. I am not informed if and which one should be used (the community for PPCs and requests from the market seems to be small). You will not be able to clone images (Parted Magic / Clonezilla not available for PPC). The only approach is to inform from the scratch a basic system. But I recommendation is not to do so, if not Intel CPU are built in. If there are Intel chips installed you can treat them as usual laptops. There are some special things, e.g. you have to press a special key to get the boot device selection. But you are able to clone as usual.
In case of questions please let me know.
Ralf, Labdoo (Germany)

Obrazek użytkownika jens.muehlenberg@gmail.com
Wysłane przez jens.muehlenber... w śr., 10/25/2017 - 20:20

Hi Wendy,
Apple Devices (Laptop, iMac) without Camera are PPC devices.
All devices with Camera are Intel Devices (except one white Intel iMac G5 PPC Processor).

If you have an Intel Device you can use the following options to boot:
To use any of these key combinations, press and hold the keys immediately after pressing the power button to turn on your Mac, or immediately after your Mac begins to restart. Keep holding until the described behavior occurs.

C. : Start up from an available CD, DVD, or USB thumb drive that contains a valid operating system.
Option (⌥): Start up to Startup Manager, which allows you to choose other startup disks, if available.

If you have a Mac with Firmware-Password set, you need to enter a Password before entering the Startup Manager.

When you don't know the Password, try to remove it:
Remove one RAM-Module, then do a PRAM-Reset: Option-Command (⌘)-P-R (on System Startup)
Wait 3 times for the "Gong" Signal. Turn off the device an reseat the RAM-Module.
Jens, Labdoo (Switzerland)