Edoovillage #1871 - United States, Minneapolis: Planting People Growing Justice Leadership Institute | COVID-19-US
Saint Paul
, MN
United States
44° 57' 24.8724" N, 93° 10' 13.0404" W
See map: Mapy Google
Minnesota US
Coordinating hub(s):
Project title:
Planting People Growing Justice Leadership Institute | COVID-19-US
Number of teachers:
Number of students:
On-site point of contact:
6.1 Full Name(*): Artika Tyner
6.2 Phone(*): 651-303-0729
6.3 Email(*): dr.artikatyner@gmail.com
6.4 Physical address of Organization (street, city, zip code, country...)(*): 1654 Sherburne Ave, Suite 200, Saint Paul, MN 55104
Project description:
The mission of the Planting People Growing Justice Leadership Institute is to inspire. It gives young scholars the tools to become leaders who make a difference in the world. It seeks to plant seeds of social change through education, training, and community outreach.
Many students without sufficient educational resource in the US are required to study remotely. The Labdoo computers will be installed in children’s homes to support virtual learning and increase use during after school and out of school times.
Project application:
Yellow: first dootronics can be sent
Number of dootronics needed:
Dootronics additional notes:
7 laptops and 3 tablets
Local language(s):
Socket voltage:
100-127 Volts
Socket type:
Internet connection type:
Wired or Wireless
Internet additional notes:
10. Conditions about the room where the laptops will be installed:
10.1 Is the room secure? [yes / no + brief explanation] Yes, computers will be installed in children’s homes. The goal is to support virtual learning and increase use during after school and out of school times.
10.2 Can the room be locked in a way that the supervisors (e.g. teachers) can control access? [yes / no + brief explanation] N/A
10.3. Is the room weather-proof? (e.g. does the room protect the laptops from rain, sand, etc?) [yes / no + brief explanation] Yes
11. How did you hear about Labdoo?:
--Search Engine (e.g. Google)
--At local Conference,
--At online Conference,
--From other organizations/companies,
--Other (please describe): Vivian, NABU
Date it was last updated: 22/09/20