Edoovillage #2243 - Kenya, Nairobi: Queens and Kings of Kibera
Full Name(*):Christine Amondi (director on-site)
6.2 Phone(*): +254727728225
6.3 Email(*):info@kingsandqueensofkibera.org
6.4 Physical address of Organization (street, city, zip code, country...)(*):
kianda 42, Kibera, Nairobi. GPO 00100
6.5 GPS coordinates (click the link to find the coordinates: https://www.gps-coordinates.net or
https://support.google.com/maps/answer/18539) (*):
“Queens and Kings of Kibera” is a small children’s home located in the slums of Nairobi,
“We provide schooling, housing, and cover all basic needs to a group of 10 girls and 10
boys, former street kids, until they finish university studies or are able to live on their
own. We are at the moment housing our third generation, while the second generation
are in university or starting their business.
We have a center in Kibera with a house for ten girls, a house for ten boys and a common
studying and multifunctional space where they have extra school classes and workshops.
The computers will be provided to the university students, and to have a computer room
in the center for the children to be able to do their homework, learn to use computers,
Date it was last updated: 27/05/24