Edoovillage #2569 - Kenya, Nairobi: Millbrook Kyeeko Girls High school
Stephen Muthuka Kimeu, kimeu72@gmail.com
Millbrook Kyeeko Girls High is a community school established in Kyeeko Village in Kenya. In 2023, this school admitted the form one class with 42 girls from the community who are needy and vulnerable and could not join High School.The school is run by the community under a Millbrook Kyeeko Community Based Organization while funding is from sponsors, donations and well-wishers. Millbrook Kyeeko Christian Center is the non-profit registered in Michigan that works in partnership with the board in Kenya in fundraising, logistics and liasion.
The school has solar porwer and conncted to a wireless internet from funding by donations. The emphasis of school is technology and science and so the computers/laptops will help them to learn and teaching.
Date it was last updated: 11/06/23