I am trying to boot from Labtix (CD as USB does not work) but the error message appears “Select CD-ROM Boot Type”.
I have tried a method I found in various pages online but it does not work - some pages.
A: Is there a way to run Labtix on Mac, is this this MacBook hardware limitation, or currently we have to use the traditional method to install Lubuntu?
This MacBook has Intel Core Duo 2GHz. The detail configuration is in the image attached.
Hi Kazushi, sorry for this
Hi Kazushi, sorry for this delayed response. Thank you also for sending detailed specs and screenshots of your Macbook laptop.
I was just discussing your question with Javier. Macbook's can be a bit more tricky to run Labtix, since depending on the model they tend to have a different boot manager. If after trying Labtix you can't get it to boot, unfortunately all that we can recommend for now is that you try the simpler method: https://www.labdoo.org/content/sanitation-guide-simple-method
To get some valuable feedback for the community, could you confirm if you can actually boot Ubuntu following the simple method on this Macbook?
Thank you.
Hi Kazushi,
Hi Kazushi,
sorry for the late answer. If Labtix does not work with your specific Apple configuration Labdoo is not able to offer an individual solution. I am sure, you tried the various boot options of Labtix, before you contacted Labdoo team (failsafe etc.). If not try those (details in the YouTube videos and wikis).
If you want to use images for cloning to install you can also try the free Clonezilla tool https://clonezilla.org/downloads.php or GParted tool https://partedmagic.com/. Labdoo cannot give any support for those tools.
The final approach could be the hint above, install a basic Lubuntu OS. But you will loose more than 300 educational programs and tns of educational content...
Thank you,
Labdoo.org team Germany
Hi Jordi and Ralf,
Hi Jordi and Ralf,
Thanks for the information. I have not yet tried the failsafe mode. I'll see if that can be used for this Mac. I'll let you know if the traditional simple method (if Labtix doesn't really work) will work for this mac too.