Suggested: Check registration documents of requesting NGOs or schools



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Since a long time Labdoo (Germany) is either collaborating with other German NGOs, which are taking care of the work on-site, checking that IT donations stay on-site and that the project is serious. But sometimes schools or NGOs contact Labdoo (Germany) directly. In such cases we ask for additional documents, proofing the existence of the school or project, e.g. the school registration certificate of the education minister or the NGO registration. As Uganda just removed 12.000(!) NGOs from their list, because being illegal, this might be also interesting for Labdoo in general?

Schools or projects can claim to Labdoo for IT donations. In addition to an application Labdoo also needs project photos and documents for registration as a school or NGO.

Many requester are wondering about the effort, but Labdoo has a duty of care to the donors who entrust us with their IT donations.

That this caution is justified, is proved by these figures from Uganda:
In November 2018, the National NGO Registry stated that 14,204 NGOs were registered in Uganda.
However, the government has determined in 2019 that only 3,810 NGOs (27 percent) have valid permits, while 10,379 (73 percent) are invalid and illegally operated.

So we decided that without such a document, that a school/project is listed at the Ministry of Education or in the NGO register, it can not receive any IT donations ...

Schulen oder Projekte können bei Labdoo einen Antrag für IT-Spenden stellen. Neben einem Antrag benötigt Labdoo aber auch Projektfotos und Belege für die Registrierung als Schule oder NGO.

Viele wundern sich über den Aufwand, aber Labdoo hat eine Sorgfaltspflicht gegenüber den Spendern, die uns ihre IT-Spenden anvertrauen.

Dass diese Vorsicht gerechtfertigt ist, belegen diese Zahlen aus Uganda:
Im November 2018 gab das nationale NGO-Register an, dass in Uganda 14.204 NGO's registriert waren.
Die Regierung hat jedoch 2019 festgestellt, dass nur 3.810 NGO's (27 Prozent) gültige Genehmigungen haben, während 10.379 (73 Prozent) ungültig sind und illegal betrieben werden.

D.h. ohne einen Nachweis, dass ein Projekt beim Schulministerium oder im NGO-Register gelistet ist, kann diese auch keine IT-Spenden bekommen...
