Hi @Jonathan,
Just a quick query in case you know if there is something that can be done from Google's site.
Our last newsletter (https://www.labdoo.org/content/labdoo-newsletter-global-201604) was submitted on Saturday, but this time around for people who have a gmail address, it's landing on their "promotions" folder. It used to be OK, so something in Google's algorithm is now pushing our newsletter as a promotional message. That means that most of our users who use gmail do not get to see the newsletter.
It's a bit unfortunate because the newsletter provides the mechanism for us to share the global stories with the communities. It also goes only to people who have explicitly created an account at labdoo and marked interest in receiving the newsletter.
Since ours is also a Social Aid Project (not trying to sell any product for profit), I wonder if there is anything that can be done to ensure our newsletter gets delivered to the main inbox so it does not get loss among the noise for those who have shown explicit interested in receiving it.
PS: Other Labdoo regions also use newsletters to share these stories with their users, so these affects not just the Global Newsletter but the regional ones too.
I've checked with a former colleague at Google, and he was able to one-off check our newsletter e-mail, and according to him, it shouldn't have been marked as "promotional" when he passed the e-mail through the algorithm logic that determines classifications.
It's possible that it's a one-time error, and it also seems that the classification for "promotional" is on a case-by-case basis for each e-mail, and in no way affects the "reputation" of the sending e-mail address.
*fingers crossed* it's possible that this will just resolve itself, but if not, we can test out a few things:
- re-send the same newsletter e-mail to a small subset of users (wendy, yourself, etc.) to see if it gets classified as promotional again.
- send the next newsletter in a tested environment like mentioned above, and see if it gets classified as promotional
- send the next newsletter out in mass and see if it gets classified as promotional
If it's a verifiable issue, we can submit information and reproduction steps as an official bug to the Gmail team, and though it might not get fixed immediately, it'll at least be a starting point. (or if I ever go back to work at Google, I'll fix it someday. :D just kidding, don't count on that. ^_^ )
Sorry I can't be more helpful!
lol... that's great input
lol... that's great input @jonathan, we will do the tests you mention before we issue the next newsletter. Thanks and cheers!