Edoovillage #1446 - Ghana, Mampong: Ejuraman Secondary School, Ghana | Oak Foundation
6.1 Full Name(*): Portia Agyei Yeboah
6.2 Phone(*): 00233244463607
6.3 Email(*):yeboahportia@yahoo.com
Oak Foundation is a Non-Governmental Organisation, legally registered in Ghana in 2014. Our focus is to tackle to root cause of gender inequality through education, professional development and entrepreneurship. We do this through mentoring and skills training. Oak currently mentors Girls from 11 senior high schools/ secondary schools in Ghana with an average membership of 200 girls in each school, in total we have 2500 mentees. We focus on girls from underprivileged communities.
Our vision is to be the largest NGO in Ghana sponsoring girls in education professional development and entrepreneurship and our mission is to make highly educated and professionals of young girls in Ghana.
OAK Foundation establishes PAMGAD Clubs in Senior High Schools located in high risk communities, thus communities with high rates of female school drop out. Our activities include mentoring, skills training (including computer skills), leadership training, scholarships, extra tuition and other academic support services to young girls to enable them stay in school
and perform well in their studies.
We do face a number of challenges in administering our programmes
• Lack IT literacy skills;
• Inability to introduce digital and self and e learning modules due to the lack of computer and technological equipment;
• At the organisational level, we face huge obstacle in administering effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E).
We have to resort to manual filling in of questionnaires and a lot paper printing which has a lot of negative environmental
impacts due to lack of digital resource to resort to a digital means of monitoring and evaluation.
Future Programmes
Our future programmes are focused on IT, how to train our students for the future of work and education.
• Basic computer skills training such as typing, training on Microsoft office; and
• Science, technology, engineering and Mathematics (STEM) programmes eg robotics, coding and blogging.
The laptops will be used to train students in IT both during our mentoring sessions and by the school.
The school will also introduce IT lessons aimed at teaching students basic typing skills and office usage.
Date it was last updated: 14/05/19