Labdoo Hub Mühlviertel (OÖ)



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Labdoo Hub Mühlviertel (OÖ)



Labdoo Hub Mühlviertel: Ralph Dalpiaz
Annahme von IT-Spenden nur nach vorheriger Absprache per Mail:
4193 Reichenthal , OOS
48° 31' 48.36" N, 14° 24' 20.124" E
Oberösterreich AT
Date it was created: 04/12/14/
Date it was last updated: 06/12/17


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Dootronic ID 國家 狀態 Model Serial number Weight
000003808 Austria [S1] Donated, waiting to pass quality assurance Sony PCG-7A1M 00045-559-592-852
000003813 Ghana [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo R60e Unknown
000003815 Ghana [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo R60e Unknown
000003816 Ghana [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo R60e Unknown
000003817 Ghana [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo R60e Unknown
000003818 Ghana [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo R60e Unknown
000003819 Ghana [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo R60e Unknown
000003820 Ghana [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo R60e Unknown
000003821 Ghana [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo R60e Unknown
000003822 Ghana [S4] Deployed and being used MaxData Unknown
000003823 Ghana [S4] Deployed and being used Toshiba Unknown


  • To learn more about how to write a Labdoo story, go to this page.


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Dootronics Dashboard Using Google Visualization API