Tanzania, Karagwe: Ascar Community project
4.1. Name: Callee Davis
4.2. Phone: 2550627933138 or 255756853954
4.3. Email: calleeanne3@gmail.com
The laptop will be used to help Ascar, a Tanzanian small-scale farmer and social entrepreneur to achieve his goal of creating a meeting point for his community, as well as non-profit company. At the moment he is constructing various aspects of his project - four small houses for business, a nursery, a mango and papaya farm, a community football viewing screen, a community development garden and offices for community education and counselling. The community development garden and counselling offices will provide environmental education and counselling services to orphan children and women and children with HIV Aids.
Ascar desperately needs access to a computer. At the moment he has to travel to the village and pay money to access a computer. He needs a computer to write emails and conceptual documents. He also cannot save any conceptual documents on the village computers which means he only has hardcopies of the documents. This laptop will have massive impact on his life and local community.
Date it was last updated: 13/08/17