Ethiopia, Chekon: Chekon School | Etiopia Witten e.V.
Beside the above manshened Adress Tigray development association Taddele Hagos Belay (PhD)
Executive Director,
Tigrai Development Association
Tel. +251-034-4400999
Set-up of a computer room
We are a german organisation (ENGO)start to help by knowledgetransfer in diferent Fields for example in Medical, Enviroment, City Developementplaning, in Education specialy in the Elementary School etc. Till now we donated to each school almost 32000 Euro for the construction and Furnition. The schools are Duramba School, Laley Segen, Basale Holzkamp School and Chekon School. We are in Laley segen and Basale Holzkamp School ther is no elektric light but we are trying to invest to Solarenergy. The other two Schools have elektricity from the Goverment.
We are building the School together with the Goverment, the University of Mekele, the People in that Region and an Organistaion QUat Tigray developement association. We are tryining to invest in this School in a Library in Schoolgarden and some Workshops also. This Schools are going to be a Center for Urbanisation for the People.
Date it was last updated: 07/10/17