Labtix 1 [archive]


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The Labtix 1 version of the Labtix installation tool is no longer being developed. For current images Labdoo recommends the current version Labtix 2

Labtix 1 is still able to process older 32 bit images. However, these are no longer maintained.

Based on Antix 17 (2017), you get a complete set of refurbishment and installation tools. Labtix 1 runs on 32 bit and 64 bit CPUs. The drivers included in Labtix 1 work best on older hardware (ca. 2008 - 2018, difficult to delimit exactly, best you try it out).
You need for Labtix 1

  • at least a 2 GB USB stick or a CD (750 MB) to install and run Labtix 1 on it,
  • 1 GB RAM (besser mehr, speziell wenn ihr den Persistenzmodus nutzen möchtet).
Version until Ubuntu 20.04 LTS from Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Labtix 1
Labtix 2

Labtix comes with various tools and installation tools

Most of them can be found directly on the desktop. You have to decide for yourself which tool suits you best:

  • "2-click" installer - from the file manager SpaceFM (up to Labtix 1.02) / zzzFM (from Labtix 2.0) clone images with 2 clicks. From Labtix 2.0 the standard installation procedure.
  • Labdoo Installer - with graphical user guidance (only Labtix 1)
  • autodeploy and content installer - comprehensive, terminal-based installation tool that also automates the deployment of additional content in multiple languages

On the Labtix desktop, you will find a Docs folder containing manuals in PDF format. However, we recommend that you first watch the individual steps and tools as a YouTube video tutorial.

Labtix 1

Nur für Labtix 1

Labdoo Installer - the compact installation tool with graphical user interface (English)

  • Start by double click Labdoo Installer,
  • 2 windows open; the terminal shows whether it is 32 and/or 64 bit CPU; the 2nd window shows the hard disk on which is installed (in most cases. sda. Confirm by ok.
  • in the next window:
    • shred = Number of deletion runs (from 0 to 3 possible, 3 preset)
    • Target Disc sda (may not be mounted)
    • Display the size of the hard disk (just for info, to better choose the appropriate image)
    • Choose Image → click on the triangle next to home → Select Other... → then navigate to(!) the folder where the unpacked image is located (just marking the folder is not enough); confirm with "Open".
    • optional: Enter Host_ID, if already known (but can also be entered after restarting the computer)
    • click "OK" to start the installation.

In Labtix 2 this function has been integrated into the file manager zzzFM. A separate script could be dispensed with.

[Archiv, outdated / veraltet]

autodeploy and content installer - the comprehensive, terminal-based, script-driven installation tool (German)
the new version (since September 2018 part of Labtix,) also automates the deployment of learning content to multiple language (not seen in video)

Manual (pdf)

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Terminal commands