The Grassroots



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The grassroots are defined as anyone carrying out a “Labdoo act”, no matter how small. Examples of such acts are: tagging, sanitizing a laptop, making a dootrip, explaining the meaning of the “digital divide” and “electronic waste” to a friend, recycling a laptop, coding a portion of the social network, etc. Every person that is part of the grassroots defines a node in the Labdoo network. Each of these nodes is connected with each other using the Labdoo humanitarian social network (HSN). The delivery of the overall social mission is made possible through these connections, which provide an efficient and sustainable way to bring excess capacity to regions in need.

While the Labdoo tools are provided “as is”, everyone participating in the project is expected to behave according to good ethic and moral principles. Participants acting against the values and principles described in this charter can be removed from the Labdoo network.

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Labdoo's Participants