From time to time, it is a good habit to send out an email to hubs in your area reminding them about the Labdoo tools that are available to help organize their laptop campaigns and sanitation events. For instance, for school hubs this message can be send out around early September as their yearly coursework starts. For other hubs (company, NGO, or home hubs) this message can be sent out anytime.
In this page you will find templates for such type of message in various languages that you can re-use for your convenience.
The world buys every year more than 400 million laptops and electronic tablets, yet 5000 million people still don't have access to powerful online and free sources of education. Whether we have 5 minutes, one hour, or a day of our time, here are a few things we can all do together or on our own to help spread education around the world:
- Tag a laptop. Do you have a laptop or a tablet that you no longer use? Then consider donating it to a Labdoo school to help bring education to a child. All you need to do is 'tag it' by going to the this link and filling in the form. This will only take you 5 minutes.
- Sanitize a laptop. Do you have one hour of your time? then help sanitize a laptop by cleaning an unused laptop or tablet, installing the education software, and making it ready so that the laptop can travel to a needy school. Follow the step by step instructions in the Labdoo wiki to sanitize your unused laptop from this link: sanitation steps.
- Help carry a laptop in your next trip. Are you traveling? then consider bringing one or two sanitized laptops/tablets in your luggage to your destination. By re-purposing your trip to help move laptops around the globe, at Labdoo we accomplish our mission of spreading education to schools without adding any new CO2 emissions to the Planet and without any economic cost. We call this collaborative way of transporting objects around the world 'dootrips'. Here is a list of Labdoo hubs from where you can pick up sanitized laptops, and here is a list of target school destinations where they can be delivered. You can register your dootrip by going to this link.
- Rescue and recycle a broken laptop. It is as important to spread education using laptops as making sure we keep our planet clean from electronic waste. Do you know of a laptop that is broken and that it can no longer be fixed nor used for education purposes? then it is time to recycle it! Find the closest recycling facility to your place and bring the laptop so its components can be properly disposed, starting a new cycle of life.
- Don't forget to register your dootrips. This is very important because: (1) it allows volunteers and helpers to know when the laptops need to be ready to be transported as well as to know how many laptops can be carried; (2) it allows schools to know when the laptops are scheduled for their arrival, and (3) it allows Labdoo to compute the amount of CO2 savings derived from re-purposing a trip and to keep a historical record. The rule of thumb is simple: every time a laptop travels to a destination school, you should register a dootrip. Find all you need to know about dootrips (including how to register them) from this page.
- Create your own hub. If you have not done so already and if you have more time and determination to help children reach education, you can also create your own Labdoo hub. Labdoo hubs can be created at home, at work, at high schools, at universities, at your NGO, you name it. The idea is simple: with your own hub, you will be able to create your own local campaigns to collect unused laptops and to host your own laptop sanitation events. If you are interested in creating a hub, email Labdoo at
- Keep your hub semaphore up to date The hub semaphore allows hub managers to announce whether their hub is currently active (accepting laptops and/or performing sanitation tasks), temporarily inactive (e.g. for vacation reasons) or closed. Don't forget to keep your semaphore up to date. You can find more information about hub semaphores from this page.
- Communicate with other Labdooers using Team Walls. Using email is good, but we encourage all of you to use the Labdoo Team Walls to communicate as much as possible. Walls are a great way to share information and communicate because they allow all of us to openly see the conversations that are going on, and they also provide a historical record of all the conversations which is very useful to help build the knowledge base. Using the Team Walls is very simple, read these wiki pages to learn how.
- Do you own or work for a company? check out Labdoo's CSR package. Companies can play a key role when it comes to helping those that are most in need. If you own or work for a corporation, consider helping the cause of spreading education around the globe by implementing one of the modules described in the Labdoo Corporate Social Responsibility Package.
- Help to translate the social network to other languages. The goal of Labdoo is to break barriers so that education can reach out to all the regions of the world. A key to overcoming these barriers is the capability to write documents and tools in as many languages as possible. Whether you have just 5 minutes, 1 hour, or more time, you can help the platform by contributing a translation. Even if you only have a little bit of time, you can still help with the translation of a small portion, as the sum of many little efforts can make a big difference. Everything counts when it comes to spreading education. If you are interested, contact the Labdoo Team at See also the Translations Brochure.
- Help spread the word. Even if you can't do any of the above, there is still a lot of people in the world who can. So a great way to help spread education is by explaining the Labdoo story to your friends, family, class mates, or co-workers. You can read the About Labdoo page and you can watch this video to learn how the Labdoo Aid Social Network works and to get an idea of how together we can help make Education a universal right. You can also create your own local campaigns to spread awareness and mobilize your local community by using the material (logos, flyers, posters, etc.) that you will find in the Labdoo Toolkit.
The Labdoo Team

Benvolguts participants del Projecte Labdoo:
Amb el retorn a les activitats escolars i laborals, us volem fer arribar les eines que trobareu a la plataforma per tal que pugueu continuar organitzant les vostres campanyes de mobilització de portàtils i tauletes en desús i fer arribar educació als llocs més necessitats.
Us volem primerament informar que gràcies al treball de molts voluntaris, inclosa la vostra tasca, així com també a la transparència del projecte i la seva component col.laborativa, les donacions de portàtils individuals i empreses a la plataforma humanitària estan en augment. Per tant si necessiteu portàtils per fer els vostres tallers de sanejament i no en disposeu, si us plau escriviu-nos al mur de Labdoo Catalonia ( o be per email per tal que us puguem ajudar a rebre'n. Igualment, us encoratgem a que continueu les vostres pròpies campanyes de sensibilització i recollida de portàtils i tauletes en desús a traves de les vostres xarxes d'amistats i familiars ja que aquestes activitats tenen efectes molt positius també.
Al "Labdoo Toolkit" hi trobareu eines generals:
Podeu baixar-vos els logos de Labdoo per crear els vostres fulletons de mobilització des d'aquí:
Aquí teniu la guia simple explicant els passos de sanejament de portàtils:
El pòster de Labdoo:
El vídeo oficial explicatiu del Projecte Col.laboratiu Labdoo:
Si sou una empresa, en aquesta pàgina hi trobareu el paquet de Responsabilitat Social Corporativa:
Si sou part d'un Hub Escola, en aquesta pàgina hi trobareu exemples de cartes per enviar als pares:
Aquí hi trobareu un resum de les bones pràctiques Labdoo:
I recordeu com sempre que l'etiquetatge de portàtils es fa anant a "Dootronics" - "Tag it":
Volem compartir també amb vosaltres un llibre que vam editar sobre algunes de les histories Labdoo que vam presentar durant la conferencia Global Labdoo que es va cel.lebrar aquest passat Setembre a Barcelona. Trobareu també fotos de la conferencia en aquest àlbum on hi reconeixereu escoles i nens rebent portàtils els quals gràcies a les vostres activitats poden ara tenir accés a un ordinador amb continguts educatius d'alta qualitat.
Us desitgem a tots i totes molts èxits en les recollides d'ordinadors portàtils i tauletes i gràcies un cop més per participar en el Projecte Labdoo per fer arribar l'educació a escoles d'arreu del món.
Per a qualsevol pregunta, no dubteu a contactar-nos.
Labdoo Team Catalonia |

Estimados participantes del Proyecto Labdoo:
Con el regreso a las actividades escolares y laborales, os hacemos llegar las herramientas que se encuentran en la plataforma colaborativa para que podáis continuar organizando campañas de movilización de portátiles y tabletas en desuso y hacer llegar educación a los lugares más necesitados.
Os queremos primeramente informar que gracias al trabajo de muchos voluntarios, incluida vuestra tarea, así como también a la transparencia del proyecto y su componente colaborativa, las donaciones de portátiles individuales y empresas en la plataforma humanitaria están en aumento. Por lo tanto si necesitáis portátiles adicionales para hacer vuestros talleres de saneamiento, por favor escribid al muro de Labdoo Spain ( o bien enviadnos un email para que os podamos ayudar a recibir portátiles en desuso. Igualmente, os animamos a que continuéis vuestras propias campañas de sensibilización y recogida de portátiles y tabletas a través de vuestras redes de amistades y familiares ya que estas actividades tienen efectos muy positivos también.
En el "Labdoo Toolkit" encontraréis herramientas generales:
Podéis descargaros los logos de Labdoo para crear vuestros propios folletos de movilización desde aquí:
Aquí tenéis la guía simple explicando los pasos de saneamiento de portátiles:
El póster de Labdoo:
El vídeo oficial explicativo del Proyecto Colaborativo Labdoo: is external) (link is external)
Si sois una empresa, en esta página encontraréis el paquete de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa:
Si sois parte de un Hub Escuela, en esta página encontraréis ejemplos de cartas para enviar a los padres:
Aquí encontraréis un resumen de las buenas prácticas Labdoo:
Y recordad como siempre que el etiquetado de portátiles se hace a través del menú de "Dootronics" y seleccionando la opción "Tag it":
Queremos también compartir en esta ocasión con vosotros un libro que editamos sobre algunas de las historias Labdoo que presentamos durante la conferencia Global Labdoo que se celebró este pasado Septiembre en Barcelona. Encontrareis fotos de la conferencia en este álbum donde también reconoceréis escuelas y niños recibiendo portátiles los cuales gracias a vuestras actividades pueden ahora tener acceso a un ordenador con contenidos educativos de alta calidad.
Os deseamos a todos y todas muchos éxitos en vuestras recogidas de ordenadores portátiles y tabletas y gracias una vez más por participar en el Proyecto Labdoo para hacer llegar la educación a escuelas de todo el mundo.
Para cualquier pregunta, no dudéis en contactarnos.
Labdoo Team Spain |

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Namaqua Kalahari Children's Hope
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