Redirecting Requests to Your Superhub Using Contact Pages


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As the manager of a superhub, you may want to have control on how users reach out to you. In this section you will learn how you can use the 'Labdoo Contact' page to redirect requests to your superhub.

The Labdoo contact page is located in this URL: This contact form implements two main features:

  1. Message redirection. It's main feature is that when a user selects a country, if that country belongs to a superhub region, then the message generated when the user submits the contact form is forwarded to the manager of that superhub region.
  2. Preselection of answers. In addition, you can configure the contact form to automatically pre-select either the country or the reason the user is contacting you using the URL parameters 'co' and 're', respectively. Let's see some examples.

If you click on this URL, you will notice that both the country and the reason fields are prepopulated. That's because the country is passed in the URL with the parameter 'co=de' (which corresponds to the country of Germany) and the reason is passed with the parameter 're=1' (which corresponds to reason #1 in the list: "I want to contribute a trip (dootrip)").

This feature is useful for creating your own customized redirect buttons from your own superhub page to the general contact form in a way that you can preset the answer to each of these two questions if you know where your user is coming from and the reason he/she is trying to contact you.

For a list of country codes that you can use when setting the URL parameter 'co', you can refer to this page:

The list of reasons codes is as follows:

're=0': "I want to contribute a laptop or a tablet (dootronic)"
're=1': "I want to contribute a trip (dootrip)"
're=2': "I want to become a Labdoo volunteer (labdooer)"
're=3': "I want to solicit laptops or tablets for my educational project (edoovillage)"
're=4': "I just want to send a message to"

Here is a use case describing how to put all this together. Let's say that in your front superhub page you want to add a button dedicated to users who are in your region and who want to contribute a dootrip. Then, you would implement this button:

As you can see, when you click on the above button ('Flugpate werden', which in Germany means 'Contribute a trip'), you get redirected to the contact page with the country and reason fields prepopulated to the values of "Germany" and "I want to contribute a trip (dootrip)", respectively.

Here is the HTML code to implement the above button:

<a href="../content/contact-labdoo?co=de&amp;re=1">
<img src="/profiles/labdoo/files/pictures/button-contribute-dootrip-de.png" width="200"/></a>

Feel free to cut and paste the above code as a template and modify it to generate your own customized contact buttons. Remember also that you can find template buttons that you can reuse from the Labdoo toolkit. Happy coding!

Continue reading to the next page:
Managing Your Own Adwords Conversion Paths

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Adding a Superhub Page