This wiki book includes a list of email templates that labdooers can use to help automate the process of replying to email requests. For instance, when a hub manager receives an edoovillage creation request from a destination school, the manager can automatically use the 'Response to Dootronics Solicitation' template. While each request will have its own specific requirements, using general templates to help automate responses to email requests help in two ways:
- They help standardize and unify the messages that all labdoeers provide to solicitors, making the process more globally consistent/coherent.
- They avoid labdooers having to re-write over and over emails that are identical or very similar.
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Frequently Used Email Templates Response to Dootronics SolicitationResponse to Dootronics DonorsResponse to a Dootrip OfferingResponse to Tax Receipt RequestResponse When You Cannot/Did Not Meet Delivery DeadlineResponse to an Unreasonable RequestResponse when Applicant does not fulfil Labdoo RequirementsResponse to Request for InformationForwarding a ResponseInformative Message to Your Regional HubsNamaqua Kalahari Children's HopeSample Outreach Letters for School HubsDootripper's Travel LetterDonation LetterTemplate for Laptop Ready to be picked upTemplate for answering requests for a personal use laptopTemplate for laptop pickup reminderWelcome Message to Labdoo HubsAsking your friends for a dootripRequest of more information to solicitorsResponse to Data Deletion