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Enquesta d'opinió sobre el taller

Alguns centres utilitzen aquesta plantilla per recollir els comentaris mensuals dels membres de l'equip. Et convidem a utilitzar-ho també.

Formulari de comentaris mensuals de Labdoo:


1) Què és el que destacaries que has après avui?

Workshop Mini Tasks

It is sometimes difficult to keep all attendees feel involved during the workshop, therefore, we prepare this possible mini-tasks list to help you get started. Please feel free to adjust according to the number of your attendees and their skill level. If the members are not technically strong, you can always contact us for help on "Installation and Repair" tasks after laptops are done with cleaning and tagging. We can help connect you with other technical hubs which you can send the laptops for future works.

Laptop Inspection CheckList

Before sending out the laptop to the Edoovillage, it is important to ensure that it is clean and has the latest software properly installed. Please check every single item in the following checklist to verify that your laptops have been thoroughly sanitized.

Labdoo ID #___________________________

1. Make sure all parts are properly labeled with the same Labdoo ID number (back of the laptop, battery, power adapter, and other external accessories if included)

Sample Sanitation Workshop

When you carry a laptop sanitation workshop, it's a good practice to organize your own workflow to ensure there is a proper coordination of the various tasks among your team members. While there are many different ways to do this and you can certainly be creative, here is a sample sanitation workshop template that you can use as a reference.